锘?/ 鍥剧墖鎳掑姞杞 (function ($) { $.fn.imgLoad = function (options) { var setUp = $.extend({ url: 'data-src', bgImg: false }, options || {}); var chace = []; $(this).each(function () { var node = this.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var _src = $(this).attr(setUp.url); var data = { obj: $(this), url: _src, tag: node }; chace.push(data) }); var imgLoader = function () { $.each(chace, function (i, data) { var $obj = data.obj, $url = data.url, $tag = data.tag; if ($obj) { var winH = $(window).height(); var sTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var oTop = $obj.offset().top; var post = oTop - (sTop + winH); if (post < 0) { if ($url) { if ($tag === "img") { if (setUp.bgImg) { $obj.parent().css({ "background": "#FFF url(" + $url + ") no-repeat center" }) } else { $obj.attr("src", $url); }; } else { return false } }; data.url = null } } }) }; imgLoader(); $(window).on("scroll", function () { imgLoader() }) } })(jQuery); // 婊氬姩鍏冪礌娣诲姞鍔ㄧ敾 (function ($) { $.fn.elScroll = function (options) { var defaults = { anima: "data-anim", delay: 'data-delay', site: 0.9 }; var setting = $.extend(defaults, options, {}); var arry = []; $(this).each(function () { var that = $(this), clas = that.attr(setting.anima), dely = that.attr(setting.delay); var child = that.children(); child.wrapAll("
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